Thursday, June 24, 2010

Juicy Couture Vampire Lips

So, I open up my email today and what do I see??

A Juicy Couture Vampire Lips Charm!!! I am beyond excited about this! I MUST have them!!!

I honestly never thought I would be a Vampire fan....but I have my dear friend Jessica D to thank for that.

She introduced the Twilight series to me and after that I was hooked! I moved on to reading the Charlaine Harris books which is the HBO TrueBlood Series. I am a HUGE fan of the show and the books!

So now here I sit, not only waiting for next Wednesday for the new Eclipse movie...but now for my JC Vampire Lips!!! I will post more photos when they arrive!!

This super cute charm is available for $52.



  1. =]
    I am so glad you liked the books as much as me. I am wanting to read the TrueBlood series myself, maybe when Im done with all my required reading....soon.

  2. Oh man, I LOVE that charm! It's so cute, and so me as I'm a huge fan of the movies and shows too!

  3. You ordered these??? Fabulous.

  4. oh my goodness! these are too good for words. I think that I need this charm RIGHT NOW to add to my juicy charm bracelet. seriously, this is genius! LOVE me some vampire stuff. Just finished reading all of the southern vampire mystery books... glad you are into them. and are you watching the new season of true blood?! SO good. excited for eclipse, though I won't be going to see the midnight premiere. sad! but if you are loving the vamp craze tell me that you watch vampire diaries? and the new show for the summer, the gates? both are pretty fun. I have tons of book recs as well if you are looking for something after the charlaine harris books. just let me know :). anyways, pop over and say hi this week and enter the give away! cheers. xoxo
